65 Dart Wagon Conversion to a Sedan Delivery

I started on the passenger door window channel. There is a lower channel retainer similar to the ones for the tailgate for each door. The are secured to the lower door side jamb after the window gets installed and final adjustment. The new channel gets installed to it first then one works it way up the rear door frame. There is a small access hole in the inner panel and I found you must be a contortionist to even reach the channel to get it started in the actual door frame. With the help of a large padded screwdriver and a glass stick, i was able to finally get it started. Once started, installing it to the back and top frame went fairly smooth.

I had tested the window motors outside the car, but not installed in the doors. So that was next on the agenda. I have not installed the switch power wire to the vehicle electrical system so it was easy to temporarily install the switch hot and ground wires straight to a battery. First problem: I had the up and down connectors reversed. That was easy to fix. Then i found I had never finished installing the terminals to the connectors on the passenger side. Once I took care of that, i got lucky that I connected the wires so that Up was up and Down was down. So I’m just about ready to install both the glass and vent window assembly