Here's what happens when your Tesla Roadster (or any EV) reaches the end of battery life

Sure, first a restriction on travel, followed by a ban on "excessive travel".....
A ban on "excessive travel" wouldn't be necessary if we all had to use a horse and buggy. Fortunately I don't see it happening anytime soon. Any convervion to horse and buggy no matter how bad the government tries to force it on us would be years away. We don't have the infrastructure to support it. Livery stables and blacksmith shops need to be built and poop scoopers need to be hired. Think of all the water that would be needed for the horses to drink. We need that water for our swimming pools. That means we would have to import water from third world countries. Using child labor working under horrible conditions to pump it from from wells. Just so our elitist horses can drink imported water. I could go on and on.