Guns, Dogs and Blades QnA

The whole concept of having someone "sight in" my personal rifle escapes me. That's one of the cornerstones of the sport. I suppose it is different for other people. I have access to a free shooting ranges if I want to drive a little bit and be patient if someone else is there. I'm not trying to be judgmental. Its more like, stop and smell the roses!!!
Man do I agree BP. I love the dialing in aspect of a new rifle scope combo. Then as a reloader trying to find just the right recipe to maximize said combo. To me that is as much fun as test and tune days at the track. Just a whole bunch of fun. Many customers are quasi embarrassed when handing over a rifle to get dialed in. They start explaining all the reasons they did not get to it, we’re to busy, dog ate my homework etc etc. I get it, in todays landscape where so often both parents work, there is just no time left for guys to do the things they want. It is unfortunate. At end of deer season I generally get several guys bringing me deer meat and thanking me profusely for dialing in their rifle. Those kind of customers make my day. Especially the little people that have taken a marksmanship class from me then come back with a picture of them and their first deer. Rocking ear to ear grins. That aspect just warms my heart every time. Their Dads are usually apologetic exclaiming I am sorry to bother you but “Johnny” made me drive over here to show you his deer. For a instructor/mentor it just don’t get any better than that.