Anybody ever tried this little gizmo?

The fuel hits the throttle plates. It hits the intake floor. It hits the intake valves. How much "more" atomization does it need? As an obvious proponent of them, have you tried them and seen a positive difference?
Everything it his turns into wet again unless a proper finish is applied to surfaces. That's why annular boosters are better. When a droplet from an annual booster hits something it is already a much smaller droplet which it's easier to pull back into the air. Those little brass deals take a stream and turn it into a finer mist than the regular pump shot.
I am not a proponent of this product but I am a proponent of making fuel stay in suspension -atomized as best a carburetor can.
When we dyno tested my engine Tim kept saying I can't believe those bsfc numbers my engine was producing...but everything I did on my engine from the carbs down proves it works.
I even put the roughest glass peen finish on my intake valves before I did my valve job. I tested the valves after by simply running water over them, the water broke it couldn't stick.
So this is all I am a proponent of if that makes sense.