Guns, Dogs and Blades QnA

Well last of the kinfolk just left. Great time but holy smokes, I am emotionally wiped out! Heck even the hounds are wiped. I can only be on good behavior for so long. At some point I invariably say something, while technically very correct, it is very socially incorrect. Example yesterday, telling older female relative to “just take a breath” so I could speak to Jodi. Man was I popular for a minute! Out of my mouth before I could even think to ask her politely to please just stop talking for a minute! Family dynamics at their best! And her Sister who is 82? Whom we have not seen in thirty plus years decided to stay with us to save money. Keep in mind this relative has zero understanding of why our half of family all wears body armor and carry’s guns to work. And has absolutely no understanding of working dogs. I held a family meeting with all the guests explaining the dos and do nots when sharing space with K9s. I emphasized the relationship the dogs have with grandson who was spending the night as well. Simply put do not lay your hands on the boy. Well……….. some folks just can’t connect the dots, that is, until the point they have a 110 pounds of Shepard crossing the room at a high rate of speed emitting that warning woof that comes from way down deep that cannot be replicated by a small dog. Instant and total recall, she unhanded the boy like he was on fire! I did my best not to hyena laugh. (I dont like her, and neither does Hemi) I shared this picture before but not the “back story”. I took this post event while Hemi was still giving her some serious stink eye. And that my friends is “ The rest of the story”
