**600hp sbm block limit? Or is it bs!!**

How sure are you your ring seal is even good? Unless you get it under load on a dyno or in the car with a data logger and a blowby meter you don’t know what you have. And it’s not all detonation. I doubt your ring seal is perfect because that is impossible, but I’m betting with a blowby meter youd be shocked.

All I’ve seen in this thread is a bunch of guys pushing parts past their design limits by an order of magnitude and getting lucky.

Fear has nothing to do with it. It’s experience and brains. I’m betting if I pulled your engine down I’d see the bearings showing the main line moving. I see it all the time. Open up the clearance and it will live, but is it right? Not hardly.

Being a cheap skate and bragging about it isn’t cool. I realize I’m in the minority here and I don’t care. Guys running twin turbos and prochargers and spending big bucks on heads and everything else and skimping on the biggest piece of the engine is foolish. Just dumb risk IMO.

So no myths were busted here. Just more chest thumping by guys getting lucky.

Its 2024. It’s time to step out of running 1960’s and 70’s used up junk. Have some pride in what you do.

When this BBC ***** itself (and it will because he is going to lean on it) then he can buy a block and a crank and rods and do it right.

Not even the mighty big block Chevy is immune from production block shortcomings and failures.
Thats weird, I must get lucky constantly. I have torn down my motors for various reasons and have yet to see this mysterious “main line moving” you speak of. I have seen it in other motors when they detonate. Smart people know how to tune their stuff. Ignorant people resort to name calling when their arguments don't work out. I guess reading isn't your strong point. Anyways have a nice day and I am proud of you for being able to afford a 5k block.