**600hp sbm block limit? Or is it bs!!**

Still throwing **** to see what sticks! Excellent, thank you! Proving me right again! Hypocrite Pura, diarrhea of the mouth what’s next?!

Take your own advice

Still throwing **** to see what sticks, LOL

I have a home garage, I have lots of toys to play with, I’m having fun, I don’t need to prove **** to you or anybody! I don’t give a **** about what you think. But obviously you do care a whole lot how other see you.

I don’t get why moderators let you act like a classless punk. I was warned this place is no better than any other forum. It’s not.

I disagree with someone (not even you) and you jump in, run your mouth like a drunken sailor (no offense to drunken sailors) and you’ve never machined and built an engine in your life.

All hat, no cattle.

I don’t watch your videos. I’ve seen two of them. I don’t need high school level tech.