**600hp sbm block limit? Or is it bs!!**

I don’t get why moderators let you act like a classless punk.
Look in the mirror for that one classless punk

I was warned this place is no better than any other forum. It’s not.

So you roll in and act like an *** and the. Complain when you’re treated the same way? Hummmmmmmm

I disagree with someone (not even you) and you jump in, run your mouth like a drunken sailor (no offense to drunken sailors) and you’ve never machined and built an engine in your life.

So you assume. Throwing more **** on the wall to see what sticks I see.

All hat, no cattle.
That is you for sure.
I don’t watch your videos. I’ve seen two of them. I don’t need high school level tech.

Congrats on you then. The schooling you need is t automotive but more on human relations.

Your posts are getting better but still need some (sarcasm!) work.

As you said before and I made the mention on it, perhaps, just perhaps, the change in which you seek is actually in yourself in not acting like an *** while treating others in an assuming and condescending way.

Act like a dick get treated like a dick.
Act like a gentleman get treated like a gentlemen.