Hello from Florida

Hey Cuprum-74, thank you!
I see you are in Utah. If I am being honest, the reason I am working on my ramcharger is a fantasy of a future trip to the offroad trails of Utah with it (nothing too crazy).
I originally was looking for a 70's ers (tin grill) ramcharger, but coming home from work found this ramcharger 5 or 6 years ago broken down on the side of the road and offered to help. I told him if he ever decided to sell, let me know. I heard from him the next day.
When I have touched every bolt, I know it will be ready:)
If a tin grill is where your heart is I would consider fixing this up flipping it and continuing the search...
I went through near a 1/2 a dozen of these trucks.
Until a 2 year search brought up my current truck...
I had to have a 74 or older living in the city to not have to mess with DEQ... Shows that meant a 72-3 or 4...
Had to be long bed, 4 wheel drive, club cab...
I found mine after a 2 year Search on my wife's space-book for $1250 with the transmission out because it had lost reverse which come to find out It had just broke the reverse ban but of course I completely rebuilt it...