68 Barracuda Fastback build

Well, considering that I live in Detroit, I'm using someone local rather than shipping parts to get powdercoated , but her work looks great nevertheless.

I appreciate your loyalty @mosleyme and the kind compliments @yotah1! If your customers ever need something special, consider opening a PirateShip.com account. It will save up to 89% over counter prices at UPS and the USPS, and has already saved mine over $400 in just a few months.
Today I prepared labels for three heavily insured boxes totalling almost 40 pounds -- a Street Dominator ($20.09), a pair of custom big block valve covers ($21.30) and an air cleaner assembly, valley pan, hardware and end tabs for $21.65. I'm all about saving money any chance I can and passing those savings on to customers tickles me pink!!!