Anybody receive seat covers from Legendary or Classic Industries lately?

@Moparone why the red X?
Have you been to the Newark facility lately or were you at the Macedon shop with Marty and Ron?
I work at a trim shop doing custom leather interiors for slab sided lincolns (nope not a sewer) it takes a special kind of seamstress /seamster to do a good job on the seats. #1- you have to be semi familiar with the seats setup. #2- sew a straight line for over 9 inches guide free and fast (90% can't get past that , me either) and be able to sew welt without overunning it and putting needle holes in the welt. it's a labor intensive skill and those per part sewers of dresses and sweatshop sewers are pretty much the best at fast and accurate work. mostly in California and Mexico not too prevalent in Newark