Pink 70 340 Duster goes for $62K on Mecum

only one problem, dan's opinion is not based in reality.

re: your hypothetical question of a 26K duster. while i am not a proclaimed arbitrator of duster values, or any car really, like any sane person i would take a look at the comps before making a decision on value before parting with my hard earned cash.

maybe i have a client that wants exactly that run of the mill /6 duster with okay paint and ho-hum options and slightly worn interior because it's *exactly* like the one their mom had when they were young and they're willing to pay way, way, over what most other people would consider market value for that specific reason.
So you agree that Dan is just giving his opinion.

"any sane person i would take a look at the comps before making a decision on value"
Dan claims to do the very same thing by looking at Marketplace and CL. So, he must be sane and as such; realistic in his assessment.

His opinion does not fit your exclusionary imaginary example so, that's reason enough for the FABO wolf pack to circle around and pounce.

By the way, you forgot to factor in the inebriated playboy with a giant wad of cash trying to impress his new girlfriend with his copious vintage car knowledge. And paying $65k for a '78 Aspen with Roadrunner decals.