Man the memories. This hurts

I know a girl that resells old clothes and does pretty decent. She's definitely not getting rich but it's a living. She would be all over stuff like this. Try old vintage shops. They love things with dates on them. 1970's era items are really popular right now in the vintage market. Baby boomers loved your vintage shops to have Grandma's things like wash boards and ice boxes. Now the trendy younger ones are into collecting Disco stuff, platform shoes, records, and tube tv's. I'm serious. I've been a purveyor of fine thrift stores and vintage/antique shops since '85 and the stuff that was new in '85 is in the antique shops!
my gal adios'd a grip of my thrashed work shirts (both t-shirt and overshirt) a friend of ours daughter bought them all to resell on her etsy store. i don't know what she sells them for but we got enough to go out for a really nice steak dinner.