I dropped of another kitty to get fixed today.

Another Tortie so it 99% being a girl. She’s (Tattoo) about 7 months old and while I was filling their feeding bowls was able to gently grab her and place her in the trap. With the cold weather I’ll have to keep her inside for a couple of days. I love her so much it’s going to kill me yo put her back outside. I’m up to six inside and feeding 4-5 outside. My heart says to keep her and my brain said John you are a nut. So I prayed for some guidance on the way home from dropping her off. Since the day i adopted Hemi, Propane, Leala, Roman, Nick, Galaxy, Tumbleweed, and Autumn my cold cold heard has gotten softer and softer and I needed that. Roman had FIV and passed away last year and Propane the year before that. It killed me losing those two. I’m naming this one Tattoo and outside I have Twilight, (mom) Bandit, and Blackie. Here’s Tattoo watching me bring in my Chewy order yesterday.

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This girl is more stubborn than my exwife and I still haven’t been able to pet her. She socializes with the other kitty’s and runs from me. Lol.