Making power out of the 318

... Now closed chamber heads for the 318 would aid compression and mixture motion. A person with some welding experience could build a furnace to heat a head to cherry red and weld up a quench pad into the chambers. Then it needs to be cooled slowly over a number of days.
Back in the 1940s to the 1960s, Chevy guys would do that to the 216 and 235 6 cylinder heads to raise compression as far as 12:1. Of course guides must be checked and possibly replaced after and then a complete valve job after grinding the combustion chambers to.conform to the new shape and volumn. Then the head surface needs to be milled for gasket seal.
I see minimal difficulty doing that to 318 heads to raise compression and gain mixture motion which prevents detonation. A little pocket porting and port matching with a carbide burr and you could have decent heads. Lots of time but minimal cash outlay involved.

Or you could run 273 heads or 302 heads and port without the extra steps. But I still like 360 heads better for the air flow.