Lumber question for those in the building trades

Even as someone, who like most here, grew up using the imperial system, I find it hilarious when people claim things like "We Americans ONLY use the IMPERIAL system!"... puhlease... That just tells me they don't actually understand that by using it, they are, in fact, using something that had it's origins in UK. It's a British system with our own small changes to make it "better"..... I ALSO laugh at Brits who claim they use the metric system exclusively because of how "superior" they are yet they still use a crap ton of the imperial system.. You should have seen the guys face during his presentation about new insulin pumps. I asked about changing it to the system the US uses and he made some snarky comment about the metric system. I then asked him how far it was to London.... he change the subject pretty quick. go figure.

At the end of the day, there is zero reason to not use metric other than we're not used to it. Our entire system is built quite literally around imperial (as we all know) for no other reason than to stick it to the man and we got it wrong.

However, that said, why use something that doesn't follow any accepted base for basic math (by base I'm talking about base of the number system used, base 2, base 10 etc).. Metric is base 10 which lines of better with standard arithmetic operations. It's used in all scientific and engineering efforts and if it helps, lifts the middle finger to the Brits just like driving on the right side of the road. Win/Win.