Part Question for Auto Trans Gurus

About 7 months ago, I took apart my transmission watching a video posted by @67Dart273, very detailed tear down & rebuild, though the guy was working on a 518, & mines an A500.
Now many months and a short memory later, I got it back together but I have 1 part left over.
I don’t know if it came out of the transmission, or was something in the rebuild kit to cover other models.
I don’t know the proper name, but it is a twice around snapping.
I’ve re-watched the video a couple times, found another video specific to the 42RH, and looked at exploded diagram on Transpartsonline, but I can’t seem to pinpoint if it belongs in there.
I’d rather figure it out now while I still have the Transmission opened up.
It’s very close in size to the front pump seal, so I pulled the pump out, but before I take the pump apart again, I was hoping if somebody could tell me if it belongs in there, or maybe someplace else.
Thanks if you have any input

