Jamie's advice

Although I can appreciate your realism, I kinda feel like your making assumptions about people you don't know.

You can't judge a book by it's cover and you can never tell by looking at a person what kind of connections, goals, or resources they have or don't.

Again, I do agree with you message and you're right everyone should be realistic with the resources they have available to them.

I am happy to spread Jamie's message about saving the bottom end of the what is left of these cars. If we don't save them no one will and i have personally found more fun in saving a junkyard dog than paying a lot of money for a polished car that is so shiny you have no idea how it was really built.
When I see something that's pretty crusty I always think...Its just metal, it can be cut out and new welded in. Maybe it won't be perfect or like new but, can you make the car usable. Like they say on Roadkill...Don't get it right just get it running or, doing the wrong thing the right way or, hit the road and worry later...lol