How much HP...again

The cars in the test were carefully scrutinised for authenticity. That is: is this the car someone would get if they walked into a showroom. Post #16.
The Pontiac entry was disqualified for cheating........& results not published. Among other inconsistencies, it had the vac hose to the dist blocked, & some engine parts did not have the correct part/casting #s for that year. They went to some level of checking to make sure it was a level playing field. Obviously they deemed the differences on the Dodge were not enough to give it an edge.

There was an important lesson in this test: small carb [ 625 AVS ] v big carb [ 700+ cfm Holley ].
both the 383 & the 428 ran identical 14.04 quarter times. The Dodge was 1 mph slower, 99 to 100
But the superbee had larger exhaust thats cheating big time
invalid test of the superbee

time to bow out of this foolishness
someone cant except facts