Stop in for a cup of coffee

:lol: Everybody remembers the huge payout McD's had to make for the woman that tried to use McD's coffee as a substitute bikini wax process. I had just changed jobs to a rock farm where the crew was not a coffee drinking bunch. No 30 cup community coffee maker on site. Explains a lot about that crew. I stop at McD's every morning for coffee before I get on the freeway for my 50 minute drive. I landmarked a spot in the next village where it was safe to begin drinking that Ronald's finest brew :lol: That was before The Hamburgler's day in court :lol:
Ever actually looked into that case? I did. The McDonald’s in question had their coffee 40 degrees F above the recommended safe temperature for serving. In fact, McDonald’s as a corporation nationwide had been cited and warned by the government and courts multiple times about it being too hot. They served it super hot cause it keeps fresher longer. When the drive thru worker handed it to the lady, who was in her 60s, the worker spilled it, causing 3rd degree burns. And was taken to the ER. The lady asked for McDonald’s to cover her medical bills. They refused. She took them to court, won a judgement of a mere 8k, McDonald’s didn’t pay, she took them to court again and this time, the Judge ordered McDonald’s to pay a “days worth of corporate wide coffee sales” to the lady. The judge cited multiple cases where McDonald’s had been warned and lost in various court cases over the coffee temperatures and yet, McDonald’s simply kept ignoring and not paying out. McDonald’s would later appeal and have that reduced by over half. But it got the point across to McDonald’s