weight of 383 engine??

at that kind of weight i'd be inclined to over estimate and have no comeback. if you said 700lbs instead of 650lbs it's unlikely to change the shipping cost. maybe call them and ask if an extra 50lbs would cost more?

I need to ship Fastenal/ Does Fastenal actually weigh the darn thing or will they just assume this weight close enough?? I really have more to do than make a couple of trips to a scale for exact weight.
Go online to the Fastenal Blue Line freight site. There is a shipping form you can fill out online. Colorado Hill is correct it is mostly based upon package dimension. The weight does not make as much difference because they are selling the load by square footage of their trailer space. I had a commando 273 shipped to me from Florida to Illinois for around $250. Make sure the engine is fluid free!