Stop in for a cup of coffee

@toolmanmike So, my morning was a little different here today. Got up at 4:00 a.m. as usual went to work out at the park. Then I usually stop by the river just to watch the river go by for a few minutes while I check my messages on my phone and so forth. 3, 50-year-old or so guys are sitting about 4 meters away from me and they see me and they asked me to come over and sit with him. So I did. They are drinking moonshine at 6:30 in the morning :wtf: . And bullshiting:lol: So they more or less force me to take four shots. No pictures because they didn't want me to do that. But I was going to. Anyhow, I left there and went to breakfast and had a pretty good appetite. Lol Kkkkkkk
:lol: :lol: :lol: Illegal there too it sounds.