HEI conversion benefits

Yes, ECU & bal res can be removed. The conversion to HEI is a good move, period, for a number of reasons:
- if you use an E core coil, such as the MSD #8207, you can eliminate the bal res.
- there are less electrical connections with HEI, so less chance of problems from loose connections, corrosion, etc
- you can run 0.060" plug gaps, because the spark has more energy in it [ High Energy..]. Common sense tells you run the biggest gap you can....
- HEI has variable dwell, Chrys ECU does not. This means dwell is reduced at lower rpms where it is not needed & the coil runs cooler because of this. At higher rpms where more dwell is reqd to fully charge the coil, HEI has extended dwell.

The easiest method to swap to HEI is a HEI dist, coil in cap. Two wire hookup, one for ign, one for a tach. Doesn't get much easier........ Very easy to modify the centri curve if desired as weights springs are under the rotor.
If you use your existing dist to trigger a HEI module, you may need to retain a bal res if the coil you use requires a bal res. The bal res needs to match the coil used, & may not be 0.5 ohm that Chrys used.

That is why the complete HEI dist makes everything so easy...