the USS New Jersey battle ship.

There's a great online article that's not hard to find that in one paragraph basically says that, but in the next, tells how useful they could be if upgraded to the next level of rail gun technology and how easy it would be to do to those big guns. With all of the money this country sends to pukes who hate us, it would be easy to come up with funding by eliminating that nonsense.

When I worked in the physics program at umkc, we got a huge Navy grant. One of the professors got a 12" square, 1/2" thick steel plate that had about an 8" hole in the middle. The hole was pulled through, like a bullet hole. It was a rail gun target that the Navy gave him as a souvenir. He had me make him a stand for it.

That being said, I also built a rail gun. Not as easy as you'd think.

Guided missiles are MUCH more flexible.