Parting out A-Bodies

Sorry but I don't buy the die cost you guoted. If wanted to produce 1000,000 parts sure the dies could cost that much if thevpart is produced in th USA. But if we're only talking about a possible 200,000 fenders, which means almost every Barracuda out there could have better, less costly parts. I know that American companies won't allow foreign dies into the country, but these could be brought into reputable company in Mexico and produced there at a much fairer price and you have to remember that the more parts you stamp out the lower the costs.
.Also a company has to look at the benefits that they'll gain in the market by producing the parts needed by the not rich by the rich and famous, but by the common man.
If AMD isn't willing to produce the parts they should sell thr rights to a company that is willing and stop driving up the price of the part.