One busy Sunday in the garage

My ex and I lost our first baby with a miscarriage while I was at work. I rushed home to comfort her but that’s about all I could do. I said it’s up to her when she was ready to try again. 6 months later she was pregnant again and we had Matt.(1988). In 1991 we had Ethan. Both were delivered with a C section. I was in the delivery room for both. Matt was lifeflighted to pittsburgh the next day after being born after having seizures from four blood spots on his brain. God blessed us and he was out of the hospital 10 days later.

Wow John I never knew that! I bet that was a very long 10 days. It’s insane how many sad stories are out there where something bad happens during birth but then it all works out somehow.

Yes my daughter is perfectly healthy. I pray that nobody has to go through that because in short, it sucked. I only shared that because as terrible as that time was, it made me see how blessed I am.

You’re very blessed and I’m happy to hear she’s ok. I can’t even phantom how horrible that was to experience.

I couldn’t imagine something happening to my step daughter let alone our unborn child.