8 3/4 rear end confusion

Hello everyone. So I tried most of the ideas provided in this thread and here's how it went. As you all know, I was having lots of trouble getting the driver side axle to fully slide into place. So then I went to the passenger side.. I was able to get the passenger side axle in super easily and now that side is all done. Going back to driver's side...... I tried having someone spin the dif/the passenger side tire so that I can try to slip in the driver side axle the entire way. When I spin the passenger side axle, it forces the driver side axle to spin the same way so I don't know how this would work. I tried putting the passenger side onto the ground and spinning the driver side. I even took the inner seal out just to see if the axle would go in without the seal in the way and then I would know the seal is the issue. Absolutely nothing has worked in my case. The driver side axle is going through the first set of splines but then it just gets butted up against something and will not go in any further. When I put the passenger side tire back on the ground, I was not able to spin the driver side axle even with a crowbar. When the car is in the air and I spin one side, the other side spins the same way. So putting the car on the ground prevents one side from spinning which would then not allow me to spin the other side. I'm not sure how the one individual in this thread that recommended that got it to work that way but maybe I'm doing something wrong. Any further assistance is appreciated. If someone is close to the Chicagoland area and is willing to make the trip up to help, I'd appreciate it. I'll cover your gas and buy you lunch haha, thanks guys.