Stop in for a cup of coffee

Morning just getting in time for a nap. We went to bed last night at 10:30. Cheryl woke me up a half hour later saying she needed to go to the ER. She felt her heart rate racing and checked it at 165. I jumped up grabbed my keys and off to the ER we went. I made the 20-minute drive in 10. Checked in right to a room hooked up, blood test, IV's, etc... After a couple test Doc said she'd be staying a day or to. After talking with here he thought maybe the prescription flu meds might had reacted with the over the counter 12-hour Mucinex she's still taking. Anyway, they'll run the standard heart test for blockage, clots, etc... When I left, she was settling in for a nap if possible and told me to go home. Be back later Happy Easter!!
Dang man, hope all is well, keep us posted. Thoughts and prayers.