1960 Valiant Restore: advice welcomed.

So how did I get interested in tobacco? Well, my unit was training for the upcoming invasion of Kuwait and we were all enjoying ourselves struggling into this antique charcoal suits and rubber masks and what-not. It was pretty obvious that in any event we were going to be toast, even if we could jab ourselves with an Epi pen.

This one chap was sitting on a brick wall rolling what appeared to a be a joint. I sidled over to him and asked him if this was his way of getting Article 15'd out of the Army. He laughed, and told me it was just a plain hand rolled cigarette, and would I like to try one.

I figured I stood a pretty good chance of getting wasted anyways, so what the Heck. One puff and I was hooked like a rainbow trout in a Front Range stream.

It took a good piece of my life to finally quit smoking, fifteen years later. Nicotine is the Devi's handiwork. But now, pay later. Truth be told, this chap was also a card carrying Satan Worshiper. That was a religion that Army was required to accommodate, by this point.

Don't thank me for my service, I remained safely Stateside while my comrades were sent over to fill endless sandbags and catch nasty illnesses without a name. I took the college money and got out first chance I could.