Anyone here with a dog that has had a TPLO procedure?

Andre (2 year old rottweiler) had his TPLO surgery done on Dec 13 2023. We reduced his weight from 100 to 95#. After the surgery there are no stairs for two weeks. No unleashed pees or poops. A steady medication to reduce inflammation and to keep him comfortable (anxiety).

We kept him on leash only for about 8 weeks and encouraged no spazzing out after that as well. His primary exercise is/was swimming.

He injured himself with just some straightline acceleration going for the ball.

We have been very careful to get that leg up n running as to not injure the other.

EDIT: We got a ramp for the car.

He was a well behaved/trained boy before this happened and that paid dividends.

I dont do dog parks anymore.

I could have gotten it done cheaper, but I didnt. 7K. Money well spent IMHO.

There are re-hab situations that you could investigate. Its time and money as well but obviously less invasive.

Good luck.
Thank you for the input!

One of the vets we visited did mention "alternative therapies" and Rehab (not that they're the same, mind you), but the long term outcomes for either/both didn't sound as promising as surgery.

And despite the fact that we just decided on doing the surgery last night, my wife is already looking into "Doggy P/T" today.

Yeah, our dogs are spoiled.