Any tricks to removing a stuck/stubborn/rusted-in place bleeder?

I'm trying to get Bazza's VG to MITP next month, but one of the issues with driving it there is that the front brakes are "so-so" at best, and I can't bleed them, as the bleeders are stuck in the calipers. When it was here last summer I ran out of time, and money, but I did try bleeding the brakes when I got everything else done. Only problem is, I could literally see the bleeder twisting as I tried to loosen it up, and since his car uses Sterling calipers and discs/rotors (IOW, NLA and big $$$), I didn't want to risk breaking the bleeder and/or stripping out the caliper.

I did try soaking the bleeders with some JB-80 "luber-schlider", but that didn't seem to help.

I know Bazza would really like to drive his car to MITP, so does anyone know of a handy way to break open stuck/rusted brake bleeders?


You could try heating the bleeders and then let them cool for a few minutes. That may shrink the bleed screws enough to break loose. If that does not do it, weld a nut on with the ground clamp on the caliper. The current and heat should do it.
When you get them out, put a little Copperkote on the bleeder threads where it can not get into the hydraulic system. Keeps them from getting siezed in again. Best to get new bleed screws in advance. I always put a bit of Copperkote on the bleed screws when I replace the calipers or a new vehicle. Cuss preventer.