Electric guitar...

I LOVE my 2012 Schecter Sunset Deluxe FR!

I thought nothing could pry my fingers from my beloved '86 Charvel model 2.

I was wrong. The neck is almost identical....and there's the Floyd.

My third guitar in 1990 was almost a pawn shop 1974 Gibson SG left hand.

I intended to string it right and play it upside down and backwards like Jimi Hendrix.

That guitar sat at that shop for a few years, but back then I couldn't really justify the $400 they were asking.
I paid $500 for a Strat in 1989 it was alot of money back then so I know how you felt about $400 in 1990. I still have the guitar a Fender Japan Contemporary Standard Stratocaster in black. Amazingly enough its still worth $500 all day in todays money but I'd guess the buying power of $500 in 1989 is about $1500 now so...