NYT article: "Driving Habits Shared With Insurance Firms".

Actually it wouldn't be a nightmare whatsoever. What's wrong with letting a insurance company know that they have a customer who runs red lights, stop signs, drives way over the speed limit. Careless driving cost everybody
Buddy, You can let Big Brother ride along with You if You want, I'll pass. Maybe You've never had to routinely drive through sh*thole neighbohoods, but I have, & when a guy just got whacked on the same street corner w/7 rounds walking home from work 2 nights ago...I may have cruised through that stop sign at 1AM when I spotted somebody coming out from between 2 houses toward the alley.....just in case. But thanks to do-goodies like You, I can pay a fine, & get points assessed on My license???? Sure, I got nothin' better to do than lose a day's pay & go fight it in court to 'explain Myself' while now paying stupid ins. rates or get dropped, again....no thanks Pal..