Is it ok to copy a W5 head and make it better or are we just mad at Speedmaster

I'm not mad at speedmaster. Anybody that doesn't realize that EVERYTHING they sell is a chinese ripoff/copy of sumbody else's stuff is an idiot.
I have bought stuff from speedmaster, at their black friday sale, because the price savings is SOOO good, i cant resist.... because if i had to buy from a u.s. manufacturer, i would pass on the puchase, cause the price would be three to five times as much money.
Do I know it's a copy... sure.
Do I expect first quality
Do I have parts i wouldn't otherwise have?...... you betcha!

I find it incredibly hypocritical how many people will say they are for free market capitalism, yet this kind of stuff bugs them. IF its an EXACT copy, and its patented, then yes, sue the hell out of them, its a damn ripoff! But we know that literally none of these Chinese copies are EXACT copies of what they are modelled after, and if a buyer is so stupid to not know that the original is better, that's on them- afterall, its their money to decide if they want the real deal, or the somewhat compromised wannabe version and the possible consequences of using said item.

Do I love Chinese products, production, and what they stand for??? Definitely not...but I also can't stand hearing the whining from the anti china crowd, who in reality use Chinese products in their daily lives. Patent your stuff and get rightfully upset if its a DIRECT copy, otherwise accept the reality of globalization and the free market, and maybe try to make your product better in some way? I don't know of any other development field that gets upset if another company almost copies their product- its to be expected, is the biggest form of flattery, and just the reality that constant development is really the only solution in a society engaged in free market capitalism...