Center drag link, are they really $600? 1964 dart

Looks like I'm not willing to pay what they're worth to be honest. Rather go the not bill my hours and pretend I'm saving money wasting time making something myself. But if folks are saying it's super close to working I'm gonna give it a try with the slant 6 link.
The whole reason you would not bash in your oil pan to clear the slant 6 link is because with a mid sump oil pan, oil sloshing back on hard excels has actually been the cause of oil starvation. Adding a larger hurdle for oil to return to the sump is not good. Also with the early abodies- hood clearance is horrible. Raising the engine up means possibly an air cleaner into the hood or running a short cleaner means less air in the engine. Those center links typically sell on here for like $100-150.

Also, for your first post it was kinda a complaint / aggressive. We are a decent bunch on here. Grant you - a little quirky sometimes but you won’t find a better group of people.