He just runs right over old farm tractor

I'm not gonna lie, I feel so sorry for the farmer guy on the tractor. He probably has taken this route 1000's of times with his tractor and unfortunately this was the last due to a trucker not paying attention. I do feel emotional about this, sorry if I do. I too was rear ended by a semi truck, the rest of the traffic around me was moving very slow. The driver must have not been paying attention and then realized he did not have enough room to slow down, so he swerved into my lane which gave him a bit more of room, but it was not enough and hit me from behind. I was rear ended so hard my seat gave out and broke. My car was totaled but I lived thanks to it protecting me. I had pains later in the week that lasted for a few months and going into this year, it's getting better now thanks to the chiropractor, it was the doctor's advice. This farmer guy was not so lucky, he has nothing to absorb this impact, it's just his back. I don't know the final outcome of this accident, but can't help to feel a bit sad for the farmer's/old tractor driver's situation.