Stop in for a cup of coffee

So I had an interesting conversation with an individual this weekend with regard to pricing on firearms training. He was not a student and doubt he ever will be. For convenience sake a will call him “Dan” So he is inquiring about our training classes. Dan replies he is not going to waste an entire day on one as the cost is ridiculous. You can figure most of our day long classes are Priced at 150-200 dollars per 8 hours class. Dan says that is exorbitant so trying not to get into a heated debate I simply reply that we also do a lot of private lessons. Dan says that makes way more sense since he does not need 8 hrs of instruction, he has been Deer hunting his entire life. So Dan asks what would just a couple hours cost? I replied we typically charge fifty dollars an hour for a private lesson. I did not reveal that I very often do them for free if I think the individual is a good human being, or often I barter for everything from a home made apple pie to monthly gym membership. I am very flexible, but Dan was not striking me as someone decent at this point. He goes into a tirade of the cost, fifty dollars to learn how to pull a trigger etc etc. At that point I politely disengaged. My question is how on earth will folks pay 80-100 dollars an hour for a plumber, electrician, car mechanic and not believe learning how to defend themselves has equal value? Apologies coffee crew but I had to vent! Rant over.
Carry on