The Other 68 Dart Resto Project

Unfortunately bad shoulders don't get better, they get surgery. Eventually I know it will get bad enough to where I have to get it done, for now, I'm too much of a wimp.

As for the car, it was blocked once over 3 coats of Featherfill G2 (one of the thickest sprayable), I sprayed a second 3 coats on the panels you can see, I hope this is the last time I block it. This of course is not including any bodywork, which was blocked many times to get it close to straight. The car looked god initially, but had so many waves, dips, and dings, it took me many months to get it straight, but I know better now, and if I did it again, I would not fart around with mixable filler, I would have gone straight to the sprayable stuff, its much easier to work with. If I did the car over again, I would have either blasted or chemically stripped the outer body panels, and then done the bodywork all at once, with the car assembled, rather than one panel at a time.