Brett you Lied man that sucked

Hey Brett, Got my roller bearing in this afternoon and taped it into place and decided to set the engine. Pulled it off the negine stand bolted on the mounts pulled the hood and started to set the engine. after a bump here and a bump there she went down. Next comes the bell housing so i jack here up and put her on for jack stands and grab the bell housing, I have the studs already set in the block so no problem slap on the lakewood bellhousing onto the stdas few nuts and good to go, WRONG :shock: That SOB will not go in past the studs , **** so I pull all the studs but one and then it wont clear the body flange **** again beat and bang and then a 28 OZ Ball peen hammer had its way anf finally it goes in. Now I dont know about you guys but my hands will not fit in that crack between the bellhousing and the body so afetr cussing Brett and I know his ears had to be burning I finally got the bell housing in bolted and ready for the trans.

Brett, i have to admit you are right by myself i could have never got the engine set with the bellhousing, I was a mother but i got it just hope the tranny is not as bad :roll: I can only imagine just have to remeber to put the clutch fork and Z bar in first.