Texas Motor Speedway

I went to Fort Worth for a few days to visit my daughter last week and we had an opportunity to go over to TMS to check it out. Well Team Texas High Perfromance Driving School was having ride and drive day in Sprint cup cars.

We were there to late to sign up for a driving experince but my son inlaw and I went for a ride along. They take 8 people out at a time in 8 cars and have a mock 3 lap race (with one wrm-up and a cool down lap). I have done the Petty Driving Experience and the ride along is unique in it's own right. They passed at speed in the corners and drive two abreast through the corners. They were reaching 165 mph on the straights and only scrubbed off about 10 mph in the corners. The g-force through the corners was amazing.

The cars were kind of neat to. Where Petty built cars just for the driving experience Team Texas had retired race cars. With Sprint Cup moving to the COT car 100% this year a lot of the old configuration became available. Team Texas has a bunch of DEI cars and the one I rode in was driven last year by Harvick. My son inlaw was in a Martin Truex car.

If you ever get out by the track check it out the ride along is $125 and is worth every penny and the $8 track tour is good too.