8-3/4 or Ford 9 inch???

I think you need to go back and reread what was written..i dont really need people, including you, to tell me not to put a 9 inch in my car because its Ford...yes there was lots of useful information, and no i dont want people to agree with a 9 inch....it just seems to me that all the Ford bashing because you are a mopar guy is really immature...i asked about the cost, durability, etc. of a Ford 9 inch. not whether or not you or anyone else thinks it belongs under the rear of my car...my heart was never set on a 9 inch, just on the cheapest route i could go without sacrificing strength and performance...thank you to all the responses with helpful information...I have decided to go with the 8-3/4, so all you Mopar purists can put down your anti ford flags and crawl back in your holes

and by the way, joke or not, crack is for total losers, and i dont appreciate anyone associating me with that group because i mentioned something about using ford parts...here we go again, another mopar purist....

I did go back and read every post to see why you got all worked up about things. The only thing I saw was a joke by a member and a couple guys that said an 8-3/4 is the only way to go. Sorry if that offends you. I do ask you to please show me where any of my posts say not to use a ford rearend under your car or anywhere that I bashed it??? Please quote them as I'd like to see them. You asked for opinions about the cost, durability of a ford 9" and that's all most of us told you. That the cost is nearly the same. I never mentioned once that only a Mopar rearend belongs under your car. I do like Mopars but I also like many other brands of cars so I don't know where you get off calling me a Mopar purist and immature just because I questioned you. One thing I can say is that the only information I (and most others) gave you was only facts about each rearend.

By the way if you don't need people like me trying to answer a question honestly why ask on a public board? I don't know everything but I have been around long enough to know some things. But you don't have to worry about me trying to help you again. That won't happen.

Talk about immature.....