8-3/4 or Ford 9 inch???

fishy68, when i wrote about the bashing i was referring to the other guys who posted, not you...excuse me that my grammar it wasnt the best...i was attempting to explain what the other posts came across as... as i said before, the posts were helpful, including yours, its just really irritating when people just shut things out because it isnt Mopar, thats all...i spoke up about that, and if it bothers you, too bad...if you choose not to reply to my posts, i really dont care since you arent really God on mopars, and like i said before people who go on here bashing things are the immature ones, not me. as for SGBarracuda, you just prove my point....a forum is supposed to be a place where people share opinions, not put others opinions down...if i want to put a bloody honda engine in my car, please don't tell me im on crack...thats an insult, and im pretty sure that somewhere on this site it says not to do that type of stuff...I know everyone here is a mopar guy and has it in their blood- i know because i am one too....but the fact is i like the other brands too (chev, ford...yes i typed FORD for you other purists out there) and if i ask a reasonable question about one of their parts, i just want an answer to what i asked....theres no need to tell me why you dont like Ford's cuz i really couldnt give two *****...if your tring to tell me that bashing is how you do things on here then i'll give you my opinion- grow up and please be kind about what people are asking and refrain from insults since im pretty sure you would want the same done to you (not to mention its site rules)....im done responding to this topic considering it has turned into an all out flame fest with some grown men really acting immature....thanks to all who contributed useful information =)