Resto progress

Well - I guess I will let everyone in on a little fopa I am going to have to deal with maybe it can help someone out there not make the same bonehead mistake I did. When installing motor mounts there is a right and wrong side. If you have them installed wrong you may be inclined to force things into place - even though you know things should go easier!! and then when you think your almost ready to try to start your engine you may find out your Radiator has absolutely no clearance from your fan. You may then scratch your head and stare at alot of things for several hours until you finally realize the error of your ways. I hope maybe this can save someone else the PITA I am now going to have to fix!! Hopefully soon I will have some positive update to post.
See Ya - Bill

Good thing to note. I knew I`d screw mine up so I photographed them both before removing them from the block.