Zip code RANT !!!!!!

Cudaspaz: I can certainly understand your concern and am very aware of those that are not as honest as you and i and that is exactly the reason that when you pull in my drive you are a TV star and on video. When you pull up in front of my shop you are on video. When you walk through my house the zone you are in is active for alarms when its on and if that don't get it done there is a little 3 lb dog that will bark her head off till i kill what ever is the problem. Come and see me if you would like. I will know you're here wheather i'm here or not. The ability to keep your stuff comes with a price. It really opens someones eyes when you see em up town and ask them what it was they needed the other day when they came out. It really does when you give em the exact time they were there. For those that live in a not so friendly neighbor hood should maybe invest in one of these systems, or go crawl in a hole. Did i mention the firearms setting around in all corners of the shop and on top of cars. I'm not skeeert....I'm a nice guy when you get to know me.