Any Ideas???

Took the Duster to the strip today and after first pass, opened up hood and around the battery, it looked like oil hand been thrown around. On closer inspection, it seemed to be battery acid. Right up againt the fender lip, it actually ate down to bare metal. The driver fender well has any oily stain all over it as does the front cross member. I didn't run it any more, but she still fired up and ran okay coming home. Nothing else seems to have leaked out after that 30 mile trip. Can a battery discharge like this and not be defective? It is aweful hot down here today-94 or so, but the residue is oily.

I've had the battery since March this year and nothing unusal up to this morning. Took the top caps off and the fluid level looks okay, so I'm not sure if I should take it back to the place I bought it and risk having them look at me as if I'm stupid or if there really is a problem with the battery or something else worng. Anyone got any ideas??