Super Sucker update.

Sorry to jake the post but i hav a 318 like u all know with an eddy performer intake single plane right now my car is on with no spacer,i hav a 2" eddy single plane spacer will that help the car out do u think?I know a single plane isnt the best for a 318 but it was free and i was running an iron 2bbl!I got the spacer so the air cleaner was poping up in my hood scoop!Sholud i try it out?or get a new 1",2" Sapcer with a 4 hole set up or what shuod i do?MIKE

Zombie/ The best thing to do is loose the single plane. Id look for a used Eddy Performer or an old Eddy LB4d. If not you may want to try a 1" 4-hole spacer to help build extra torque.