Concern for a Member !!

....and in the words of Dr Applegate "Oh he's fine" They found a small clot about the size of 1/4 the size of a pin head that lodged on the top of his head. In the last 24 hrs there have been 3 men Tony's age come in with the same symtoms and the other two aren't doing so well. One is in critical condition. They will do some more tests tomorrow but will be able to come home the day after tomorrow. His speech is fine and he seems to be the old Tony i know. I ask the doctor if he could have his laptop and she said as long as he didn't go to those girlie sites. He should be on as soon as Karen gets it from the house. The prayers you folks have sent forth have in no doubt made a very large impact on the power that controls such small things as universes. Tony and Karen thanks all of you from the depth of their heart for your prayers. I'll see him tomorrow at 8 am and then i will post any new findings.