We need more time....

I can't seem to have anytime anymore, is anyone else feeling that? I am busy as a one legged man in an *** kicking contest but the car working time is not seeming to being fitted in. This is what I need:

8 hours a day for work so I can play.
8 hours a day for honeydo's, the list keeps growing.(keep momma happy)
8 hours a day for working on cars(my time)
8 hours a day for everybody else that needs and asks for my help.
?Sleep and Food?

So far this year this hasn't worked, something always has to give and it seems like it's my time. No matter what I decide, somebodys going to be pissed off so I need a new schedule. Give some ideas guys and tell me how you all manage to fit the hours in when they run short.

Thanks for the rant guys.