We need more time....

Well Vic 8)we all know the honey do list is the first to schedule, The 8 hours of work time hopefully is just 5 or 6 days a week.
I feel if I can spend 6 hours a week on my time for me, No body better ***** about it,:protest: They should stand down and be glad that you are doing what makes you happy. I know it don't sound like much time for your self , But spring is here and those rainy days will make you happy inside working on your cuda or another project, I agree with you Vic, This time of year everyone seems to need a good man to help them with there things they want dun.
My wife is doing a good job at that, She changes her mind more then anyone I know, She wakes up and looks at our house and wants to change everything from light fixtures to the color on the walls. The last thing was the sports room. Wife talking= Honey we need tooooooo and then I just go with it.8)
I can't seem to get all of the wind fall out of my yard, It seems I am the only one that wants it dun, Hang in there bud It will get better soon.:-D