How About A Quit Smoking Challange

My daddy always told me a smart rooster doesn't crow until the sun is up for sure. If it ain't too late add me to the list. I started cutting back on the 1st by simply waiting until I just HAD to kill something before lighting up. Managed to get down to 5 or 6 a day and maintained that level for a week. Started using the patches yesterday (they're a ***** to keep lit) but was having some ungodly urges and in a really foul mood. Until today. Found a product that so far is the missing piece to the puzzle. It is a little bottle of homeopathic pills called Stop Smoking and is made by Washington Homeopathic Products Inc. Found them in the supplement section of our local health food store/Pharmacy. I figured for 7 bucks what do I have to lose? Best money I've ever spent. I was waiting on a prescription and looking at the supplements to kill time when I caught a craving that had me wanting to go out in the parking lot and find a butt. Saw the pills, bought them, and by the time they had dissolved in my mouth the craving was gone. 4 hours later and it's still gone. If they don't have them at your local tree hugger emporium, you can get them online at under compounds or call 1-800-336-1695. It's hugely ironic to me that the company is located right here in West, By God, Virginia. With the tools I have now, it is safe to say I have this quitting thing by the *** in a downhill drag. Hope ya'll are doing as well too. :prayer: :salute: :thumbup: